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Chicken Soup Recipe: Indonesian Soto Ayam

For those of you who like chicken soup, definitely like this dish. This dish is a legendary chicken soup in Indonesia. Almost all who have vacations in Indonesia have tried this chicken soup. Yes. This is an Indonesian chicken soup called Soto Ayam.

There are many variations of chicken soup in Indonesia. But, what is most often found in the streets is chicken soup (Soto Indonesian).

This chicken soup is made of several special spices. It is characterized by Lime and Lemongrass. The strong aroma of this spice makes this chicken soup delight. So, is it difficult to cook it? Although not in Indonesia? The answer is, of course, easy. You just have to buy spices in the nearest Asian store. Then follow the recipe below.


  1. 4 pieces of chicken have been cleaned.
  2. cabbage (cabbage) sliced  along
  3. 2 Vermicelli corn packages
  4. 1 green onion
  5. Celery leaves (optional)
  6. 1 tomato
  7. 10 Chiles.
  8. 2 boiled eggs
  9. 1 Lima.
  10. 1 pack of fried onions

Mashed seasoning:

  1. 7 red onions
  2. 5 pieces of garlic
  3. 5 Candlinuts.
  4. 1 ginger segment
  5. 1 segment of Galangal
  6. 1 segment of turmeric
  7. 3 leaves of laurel
  8. 2 pieces of lime leaves
  9. 1 pressed until the broken lemongrass
  10. 1 Package of chicken flavour
  11. 1 ground pepper pack
  12. oil.


  1. Boil the chicken with enough water.
  2. While I was waiting, puree of garlic, the shallots, hazelnut, ginger, turmeric, and the galangal.
  3. Drain the cooked chicken and then put it aside (do not waste chicken cooking water).
  4. Take enough oil and then skip the spices that have gotten and then add lemongrass, laurel leaves, lime leaves until it is fragrant.
  5. Stride the boiled chicken water, then add it to the sautéed spices, add the pepper, the taste of chicken, the sugar (then the taste).
  6. Fry the boiled chicken, drainage.
  7. Then cut into small pieces.
  8. Boil the chiles until it is coined, puree, and reserved.
  9. Chop the tomatoes, the leeks, and the celery.
  10. Organize the vermicelli, cabbage, tomatoes, green onions, and chicken in a bowl.
  11. When the sauce is cooked and you know your tongue, turn off the fire and pour it into a bowl.
  12. Give her a jump of the fried onions, the celery leaves, and the chilli sauce, to complement the pieces of cooked egg and lime.
  13. Soto is ready to eat.

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